Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Review: Julie & Julia

Directed by: Nora Ephron
Writen by: Nora Ephron (screenplay)|Julie Powell (book)|Julia Child (book)
Release Date: 7 August 2009
Length: 123 min

Your typical "chick flick", but that's not always a bad thing. Julie and Julia is a film about two true story's, set in different times, that run parallel to each other. One of the stories is about Julia Child's upcoming in the cooking world, starting at where she wasn't sure what to do with her life and leading to the publishing of her book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". Julie's story is about a girl who experiences the same unsureness in life, she decides to write a personal blog over the course of one year where she cooks all the recipes in Julia Child's book and reviews her experiences while cooking them. I have to say I enjoyed this movie, it was a light-feel-good type of film. I don't usually watch movies like that, so I found alot of it to be cheesy and unrealistically emotional. Saying that though, the main actresses Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, did a fine job of portraying their characters.

Rating: B

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information! I will definitely consider watching this movie. I especially love to watch true stories.
